Its Origin and Inception
The International Gospel Ministers’ Conference of the hour was commenced in November 2000 (as we were bidden by the Lord), following the word of knowledge given to Pastor A. C. Ohanebo (the senior pastor of the WCCRM) in April 1999. This word of knowledge was that; (1) the church of Christ was 5 minutes to the MIDNIGHT, the MIDNIGHT being the point of Christ’s descent into the sky to catch away His bride (refered to as the Rapture) (see 1Cor. 15:51-53; 1Thess. 4:15-17 ); (2) the Lord was (as a result) embarking on a 3 fold end time project of (a) raising a great army of believers (as pictured in Eph. 6:13 18) across the denominations; (b) bringing about a great harvest of souls into the kingdom; (c) preparing the bride of Christ (the church) for the rapture (which aspect He termed, Athe pre rapture necessity@).